Obtaining childcare is one of the biggest decisions Chicago families face when preparing to welcome their first child. Options include hiring a nanny in chicago, an au pair or enrolling children in daycare. Nannies offer more comprehensive, consistent involvement with the family’s children and are ideal for long-term care. They also earn higher wages and may be eligible for health benefits. Babysitters, on the other hand, tend to work by the hour and typically don’t receive any benefits. Regardless of which route you choose, understanding the financial implications and expectations is key to fostering a positive, long-lasting working relationship.
Hiring a Nanny in Chicago: Tips and Advice
The cost of a nanny can vary widely depending on the qualifications and experience of the candidate, family requirements, and job duties. Generally speaking, an agency will charge a recruitment fee and a placement fee based on a percentage of the nanny’s annual salary. Agencies are on hand to guide and support throughout the process, taking the headache out of contract negotiations, employment issues and tax matters.
A nanny can be hired on either a part or full-time basis. Most nannies prefer to be paid weekly with guaranteed hours, and are keen on receiving legal pay (with taxes withheld). Many nannies consider nannying as their long term career, and therefore they want the stability of a set weekly salary and other benefits like paid time off, transportation costs and healthcare.